Pippa DaCosta

Hello, and welcome back to KH Book Reviews! 🙂

Kat here. Today, I’m super excited about our Featured Author today because she is definitely one of my favorite indie authors, and I’m pretty sure along with a bunch of others. Pippa DaCosta is the author of the popular fast paced, action-packed, urban fantasy series The Veil, an urban fantasy novel City of Fae, and she has also ventured into the world of Sci Fi with a dark/gritty series called Girl from Above/The 1000 Revolution.

Read more for an EXCLUSIVE SNIPPET of an upcoming urban fantasy series from Pippa DaCosta! 😀

When and why did you begin writing?
I don’t know if it was my first story, but I remember writing a short story about a spider living at the bottom of a little girl’s garden. I must have been, maybe, twelve at the time? Perhaps younger. I don’t expect it was very deep. However, I vividly recall showing it to my mother who declared I couldn’t possible have written it. Now, that’s like a red rag to a bull. That moment crystalized in my mind. That’s when it all began.

What inspired you to write your first book?
That depends. My first book or my first published book? I wrote my first book at school, in pencil, on an A4 lined pad (several of them, in fact). And then drew my own cover. And to be honest, I can’t remember what inspired that those.

With Beyond The Veil, my first published book, I’d had these characters rattling around in my head for years. But it was only when I started thinking about fire and ice, and the actual tension in the first scene, that things really started happening. The ideas wouldn’t stop flowing. I simply had to sit down and write the darn thing (I ended up writing that opening chapter twice because my laptop died and gobbled the first version). Once I’d started, I couldn’t stop. The rest, as they say, is history.

What books have influenced your life the most?
I can’t identify one book, not really. I used to read—a lot. I devoured the Point Horror books in my teens, and then moved on to Stephen King. Very early on, when I knew I just had to write to stay sane, I purchased Stephen King’s book On Writing, and was shocked by how much of his advice I was already putting into practice. I read anything I could get my hands on; sci-fi, horror, my Nan’s Mills & Boon romances, thrillers. It all goes in, and it all influences my writing in many different ways.

If you had to choose, which writer would you consider a mentor?
Stephen King. I look at what he’s achieved and how he’s stayed sane (mostly) throughout it all. In college, my English Lit tutors would frown on his work, but you know what? He’s entertaining people. He gives his readers what they want time and time again. I have massive respect for that. I’d rather entertain my readers above critical acclaim.

Can you share a little of your current work with us?
I have several books on the go at the moment, but as a real treat I can share with you a draft scene from my shiny new urban fantasy series, due to be released April 2016. It’s set in the same world as my best selling Veil Series, but this time we’re in a demon-torn LA.

“You don’t have to kill him, Gem.” Del whispered in a tone meant to placate. He leaned half out of the doorway, watching our six for any sign we’d been spotted. It also meant he didn’t see the glare I cast his way.

“And fail?” I hissed.

“It’s not failing if you’re saving a life.”

I growled low enough that he’d know I was grumbling more at myself than him.

I didn’t know the man on his knees, sobbing around the rag shoved into his mouth, and neither did my brother, so I had no idea why Del had decided now was the time to question Allard’s orders. The mark’s face matched that on Allard’s cellphone. That’s all I cared for. The repercussions of failure didn’t bare thinking about. Del knew that.

“What about my life?” I quietly asked, half hoping my brother didn’t hear, but he always heard everything. The curse of growing up in one tiny room, with only the noises behind the locked doors for company.

“Allard wouldn’t risk hurting us.”

I took my eye off the mark to frown over my shoulder at my dumbass brother. Even Del shrugged, like he couldn’t be held accountable for his own words. ‘He’—Allard—knew where to hurt the both of us, and he’d do exactly that unless I put a bullet in this man’s head.

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/26807726-chaos-rises
© Pippa DaCosta 2015

Tell us your latest news.
I’m thrilled to again be working with the wonderful team at Bloomsbury Publishing on the City of Fae sequel, due to be released in May 2016. I love Bloomsbury to bits (I tried not to do a fangirl squee when I visited their offices and saw all the glorious Harry Potter books on display in their rather wonderful London head office). And of course, I’m so excited to be back with Reign and Alina, the two main characters from the series. As with the first book, Alina has some secrets of her own. She also has revenge on her mind, while Reign is proving as infuriating and selfish as always! Watch for it next year 😉


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Marie Johnston

Hi everyone! We’re changing it up a bit this time round. Instead of Kat , it’s me, Veronica. 🙂 Our feature author is Marie Johnston and since I’m a massive fan of hers, we decided it would make more sense for me to do the interview with Marie.

Marie has five books out for her paranormal romance series, Sigma Menace, and two books for her contemporary romance series, Fleet Week. I haven’t read her Fleet Week series although I’ve heard great things about it. My love is with her Sigma Menace series, stories full of rich, complex characters. Werewolves, vampires, and enhanced humans; shadowy organizations, possible corrupt governments, and guardians fighting to maintain the peace. *sigh* What’s not to love?

We met Marie through our Goodreads group – Read Romance, Write Romance. On a whim, I had read her first book Fever Claim and couldn’t put it down. Slowly, but surely, she’s being pulling into our crazy world which I’m excited about. It makes it easier for me to stalk – *cough* I mean… nope, who am I kidding? It’s stalk. I can’t help it.

Marie just released her latest book in Sigma Menace – Lawful Claim – which I had recently reviewed for this blog. As soon as I heard it was out, I bought and devoured it. I may have told my husband not to talk to me until I finished reading it. Oops.

~ * ~ * ~

When and why did you begin writing?
“I’m bored.” Whenever I’d hear my kids say that, I’d tell them to make up stories in their head, that’s what I do. They’d look at me like I was delusional. After I began writing and talking about it with others, I quickly realized that not everyone drifts off into their own created worlds. That ties in nicely with arbitrarily saying “one day, I’m going to write a book.” I was serious, but I wasn’t. I didn’t think I had the chops.

A couple of years ago, I saw a news program highlight Jacinda Wilder and her success in indie publishing. That stayed in my brain until a year later when I was trying to figure out my husband’s travel schedule vs kids’ summer vacation vs no daycare vs my part-time work vs all their activities vs appointments; I darn near went crazy. I sat staring at my calendar, thinking of how much worse it’ll get when all the kids are in school and I need to increase my work hours. And do I really have to go back to the same career? I started wondering if I could really become a successful author, if it could be a career where I could make my family a priority. I knew it most likely would take years and almost shrugged it off. Then I decided I would rather write than regret not even trying.

What inspired you to write your first book?
The other books were too hard. Fever Claim is the first book I wrote, but I started on two others and quickly postponed them. The first paranormal romance I started has a lot of intrigue and is based off paranormal creatures that aren’t written about as often as vampires and werewolves. The other book would be classified as some other fictional genre (not sure what type though!). Both books I felt I needed more experience at writing, crafting a story, expressing emotion, and all that jazz before I could do the books justice. So, I wrote what I knew since all I read is PNR. I picked shifters to be the main supernatural creature because there’s a ton of vampire stuff out there. Truth be told, I wish I went the vampire route since that’s much of I what I read. I often forget that my characters have an alternate form.

What books have most influenced your life most?
My first adult book was The Diamond Throne by David Eddings. I remember asking my mom what some words meant because I was only in fourth grade when I started them. “Look it up in the dictionary.” (I never did) But I devoured the book, then the rest of everything he’d written. That started a long relationship with the fantasy genre, until I realized I was always looking for the love angle. Romance was a natural transition.

Dark Lover by JR Ward was one of the first vampire romances I’d read and I really enjoyed it. The more I read by her, the more I really admired her work and writing style. When I would entertain the notion of writing, I would think that I couldn’t, because I would want to be as good as her. My husband kept encouraging me, telling me she had to start somewhere, too. As much as I loved her books, they were intimidating. Still are, but I have to start somewhere.

If you had to choose, which writer would you consider a mentor?
I’m probably going to get a cease and desist letter from JR Ward’s people because I mention her in everything writing related. I love her paranormal romance and how expressive her writing is. There’s so much I’ve learned reading her books about keeping the plot pretty simple and slowly building any intricacy and intrigue; making alpha males with feelings and problems; bringing back past main characters and diving further into their relationship; spending time with a character and their inner monologue makes them so much more interesting. I feel like her work is gritty with light-hearted moments that make for such a real read. Someday, I would love to write like her.

Can you share a little of your current work with us?
Agent X is getting her story told in Pure Claim, book five of The Sigma Menace. I love her character and I really, really hope to do her justice. The book took a different turn than I was expecting, but it’ll open up a new plotline nicely. I’d like to turn toward vampires and I’m not ready to leave the world I created yet, so I’m thinking of doing an offshoot series, starting with Demetrius.

Tell us your latest news.
I broke down and joined Twitter! @mjohnstonwriter  I resisted for a while because I wasn’t sure how it would help me network, but it’s soooo cool! There’s so many connections to be made and so many updates, and I can really get to know other authors. The best part was the first day when I was playing around, and JR Ward favorited my tweet. I still have a major fangirl moment whenever I think of that.

I’m working hard to get Pure Claim done by the end of the year, and I have one more short story to write in the shifter world before I switch to the fangers.

I also have two more Fleet Week Romances planned, but contemporary is a lot more difficult for me to write. With no action, I need to gain the confidence to spend time on the characters in between the steamy scenes. But I have two shorts waiting in line to get told, so I must oblige.

~ * ~ * ~

That’s great to hear! I can’t wait to read more for Sigma Menace. Agent X has fascinated me since the beginning. You can find all of Marie’s books on Amazon. And if you read them, don’t forget to leave a review. Authors love hearing from their audience. J And thanks Marie for chatting with us today. I can’t wait to see more from you.

Elizabeth Brown

It’s been a while since our last author feature! Today, we have a special guest, Elizabeth Brown – Erotic & Contemporary Romance author! She has 4 books out which are available on Amazon and other ebook retailers. Elizabeth is also a member of Read Romance, Write Romance; she’s the one who pops in and out of discussions with tips and she usually delivers them with wit!

When and why did you begin writing?
Ready for a very un-romantic story? I’m not one of those people who grew up writing. I started writing for some very practical reasons.

  1. I had some free time. My husband was busy with a project at work, and I needed a hobby;
  2. I wanted a creative outlet. I’d grown up always doing art, but I wanted something new; and finally
  3. I loved reading romance novels, and thought it’d be fun to try my hand at it… not that I ever thought I’d publish anything!

What inspired you to write your first book?
Honestly? Don’t judge me, but (Determined) was supposed to be Fifty Shades fanfic, but it pretty quickly turned into its own thing. I was pleased as punch when a reviewer said “Determined is no FSOG (and that’s a good thing!)”

What books have most influenced your life most?
When I was young, I was addicted to Roald Dahl, the original OZ books (Baum), and The Babysitters Club. As an adult, some of my favorite books would be The Road by Cormac McCarthy, Devil In The White City by Erik Larson, Anne Rule true crime, and anything by Nora Ephron. In terms of romance, I don’t know if I have influences per say, but if you browse my reviews on GoodReads, there are definitely a few reviews that say “This author is so good, they make me want to kill myself.”- that’s supposed to be high praise. I would also say that great movie and television writers are a big influence. 

If you had to choose, which writer would you consider a mentor?
I don’t know how to answer that… I have a couple of great supportive friends who are fellow writers, but formal *mentors*. ::holds up a now-hiring sign::

Can you share a little of your current work with us?
I’m currently working on a follow up to The Lessons, which will be Book II in the Off-Limits series. It’s going to be Lambo and Ainsley’s story. You know, older-brothers-best-friend… but don’t worry, if you were hoping for more Ryan and Natalie, they are in there too 😉

The following is unedited.

WARNING! This excerpt may offend some readers. Read at your own risk.

They call me Lambo, or Lam for short.

But I guess if I was being accurate, they don’t just call me it- they moan it. Usually while my dick’s in their mouth. And before you judge me, it’s there because they were fucking begging for it.


And then it happens. Invariably.

Yep, once they’ve wiped the cum off their tits, they ask me how I got such a name.

They tell me it’s hot. That it’s sexy or mysterious or some fucking bullshit. So I tell them The Story. The long fucking convoluted story about howonce upon a time, I was hanging out a club with some girls. And during the course of the night, I’d banged one of them in a closet. Later on, my friends overheard her friends saying I was the best thing in the club that night.

Top of the line, they said.

A fucking Mercedes, her friend cooed. 

But the chick I’d done in the closet disagreed. No, she’d said:

He’s not a Mercedes. That man is a fucking Lamborghini.

Hot fucking sex-on-a-stick Italian engineering.

Too bad I’m not even Italian.

Too bad it’s all a lie.

Tell us your latest news.
This isn’t so much my writers life, but some friends and I just registered for the RT Booklovers convention in April! I’m so stoked for Vegas! And also, Book II in the Off-Limits series should be out around the new year – I just committed some dates to my editor.

Thanks for taking the time to chat with us, Elizabeth! 🙂

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Sarah Brocious

Please welcome our latest featured author, Sarah Brocious! 🙂

Sarah is the author of one of the first five books we reviewed here on KH Book Reviews which was almost a year ago and it is for More Than Scars–a modern day take on the Beauty and the Beast but more charming! This author writes “clean romance” and by clean romance we don’t necessarily mean Christian or Inspirational, but love stories without sex scenes, implicit or explicit, and no crude language. She is known for writing heartwarming story lines, dreamy heroes and strong-willed heroines. Her sunny disposition matches the quality of her writing! It’s almost unusual to see books that had no erotic content and sometimes it’s nice to take a break from it all by reading something sweet, romantic and charming which Sarah totally delivers.

She also made book trailers (teasers) for her books:
Book Trailer (Youtube) for More Than Scars
Book Trailer (Youtube) for The Awakening (Wake Up – #1)
Book Trailer (Youtube) for Nolan’s Evolution (Wake Up – #2)

She currently has two works in progress–the last installment for her PNR trilogy and a contemporary romance novella (her first attempt at writing something so short, she shares!). 🙂 We took the time for a mini interview with her!

When and why did you begin writing?
The writing bug really bit me when I was in 7th grade. My teacher had us write a short story about anything that inspired us. Of course… I chose romance (I have been in love with love for a long time). I started what I thought would be a short… it turned into my first novel (unpublished… but it still exists!)

I didn’t become really serious about my writing though until a few years back. I was writing just for fun for so long and suddenly I wanted to share my creations. Scariest thing I’ve ever done, but the most rewarding.

What inspired you to write your first book?
A need to escape. I discovered time could magically pass when I would write. More Than Scars started out as a dream I had… a very vivid dream. Provocation was a need to vent. My PNR Wake Up series was inspired by an evening out on my back deck. I never know where inspiration is going to come (mostly at stop lights or other inconvenient places).

What books have most influenced your life most?
Sarah Brocious: My mom read Little House on the Prairie to me and Mark Twain (my favorite was Huckleberry Finn). I couldn’t wait to learn to read so the story didn’t have to end when she had read enough chapters for the night!

The very first real book I ever read was Love Comes Softly by Janette Oke. To this day I will still read it when I am going through something.

The Chronicles of Narnia were a big deal to me too. I have never been so lost in another world or time as when I was reading those books! Well, maybe similar to the escape I found while reading The Lord of the Rings!

If you had to choose, which writer would you consider a mentor?
Sarah Brocious: Janette Oke. Her books were an inspiration to me. I have read everything she ever wrote. One thing she said a while back that really impacted me (and I can’t remember the quote verbatim) was that she got to know her characters before she ever started writing. She learned their tells… their ways before she created their story. I do the very same. Even if I don’t write the same genre as she does, I still try to keep that sweet innocence and genuine love that prevailed through her many books.

Can you share a little of your current work with us?
Sarah Brocious: Hmm, latest book Nolan’s Evolution is the second book in my PNR series. You will find a little bit of every taste in this book if you are looking for a book boyfriend. There’s the good guy and the bad boy and plenty of paranormal activity. Book three may make an appearance by the end of the year!

Tell us your latest news.
Sarah Brocious: I am working hard on a novella (What Remains) that I would like to complete within the next six months! Many other projects down the pike! Stay tuned!

Thanks for sitting down with us, Sarah, we will definitely stay tuned and keep a look out for your titles! It was really awesome of you to take the time for chatting with us and we are so happy to have you here as a featured author. We look forward to seeing more of you! 🙂

Sarah is one sunny personality who would love to get to more people–especially if you like Walking Dead, Supernatural, Game of Thrones, Sherlock, True Blood, American Horror Story, and MORE! She is the ultimate TV series fangirl. And YOUR favorite movie? Chances are she’s watched it – and probably is her favorite as well! 😉

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Sawyer Belle

Hi everyone! This is Kat and we’re back with a new featured author!

Please welcome Sawyer Belle! I’m super happy to feature this author as I am a big fan of hers. 😀

We first met Sawyer in our romance writers community on Goodreads (Read Romance, Write Romance). She writes mainly historical romance and as a big fan of historical romance, indie titles under this romance subgenre is rarely a hit. Unfortunately for me, I have catching a lot of miss so I tend to steer clear from them… until I took a chance on this author! 🙂

From the very first book I have read from her – Love of a Lioness – until her most recent published title, I have been a big fan and anticipate her historical romance titles. I grew up reading Johanna Lindsey, Jude Deveraux, Lisa Kleypas and Kathleen E. Woodiwiss. Sawyer Belle is well on her way to those ranks in my opinion – granted that she is an indie! She is one of the reasons why KH Book Reviews is established. 🙂

Her historical romances are not just that. Other than romance there is also a bit of action, adventure and the great imagery that she presents especially in her Love in the Sierras series which is set in historical Nevada. According to some readers, her research is spot on and I believe that is a big factor for historical fiction. So we sit down and had a quick chat about her and her writing.

When and why did you begin writing?
I’ve always written from as early as I can remember, but I don’t really remember “why” I started writing. I suppose it’s because I loved reading. My nose was always stuck in some book and I loved getting lost in a good story. As children are wont to do, I mimicked the authors I loved and wrote stories, adventurous, rowdy, funny stories. I’ve got notebooks full of those as well as some unfinished stories from my teen years and early college years. It’s so fun to go back over those pages and see my imagination and style grow.

What inspired you to write your first book?
I had my son ten years ago and pretty much gave up writing for several years. I wanted to focus on mothering, but within four or five years I realized I was neglecting myself by giving up something I so desperately loved, and I began writing again. I finished my first full-length romance novel in 2010 and now have more stories than I have time to write them!

What books have most influenced your life most?
The book that has most influenced my life is hands-down the Holy Bible. Other books that have influenced my thoughts, opinions and even my writing are The Brothers Karamazov, Little Women, Pride and Prejudice, and most anything by Dickens.

If you had to choose, which writer would you consider a mentor?
For the romance genre, I would kill to have Marsha Canham as a mentor. She is actually the author who made me want to write romance. The thing that used to turn me away from the romance genre as an author was the cookie-cutter trap. I didn’t want the same boy to meet the same girl and find the same happily ever after, you know? When I discovered Marsha Canham’s historical romances, it hit me like lightning. I thought, “THAT’S it! That’s what I want to write.” Her stories are more than just love. They’re full of adventure, history, action and humor. That’s what I want to write.

Can you share a little of your current work with us?
Sawyer Belle: Sure! I’ve got two WIPs right now. One is the third in my Love in the Sierras series, Ruby’s Song. The first little bit takes place in Boston, and it has been fascinating to study the evolution of the city during the post-Civil War years. I hope readers will appreciate Boston’s brief cameo in my western series. My second WIP is a contemporary romance (my second) that takes place in the Bahamas. It features an American nurse and South African runaway who come together during their work at an AIDS hospice. It is fiction, but definitely based off some of my own real life experiences.

Tell us your latest news?
Sawyer Belle: I am guest blogging for fellow historical romance author Regan Walker on June 15th. Her wonderful blog is http://reganromancereview.blogspot.com/ and I’ll be sharing some of my research for the Love in the Sierras series, specifically the hardships and dangers of the early mining years of Virginia City. The city pioneered mining efforts around the world, but it was not without its tragedies and sacrifices. Visit the site on June 15th to read more about this wild time in an old western town. I’ll also be doing a giveaway of Silver Nights With You to one lucky commenter. Thank you for having me, ladies. I love your blog!

Comment away, dear readers! I personally loved Silver Nights With You and click HERE to read my 5-star review! I’m very excited about Ruby’s Song which would feature a different couple this time. A little teaser about this couple could be seen on Desert Sunrise’s epilogue. Also we’ll be sure to watch out for your guest blog, Sawyer! It would be interesting to find more about the history of Virginia City. Personally, as a non-American, I’m very interested in it and no doubt looking forward to it!


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Veronica Del Rosa

We have a very special guest today. She is not only a multi (self) published author of paranormal romance slash urban fantasy but she is also a contributor to KH Book Reviews – please welcome, Veronica Del Rosa! She is also a co-moderator along with myself (Kat) and Rachel in our romance writers community on Goodreads: Read Romance, Write Romance.

I’m super excited to feature her. Her books are fast becoming one of my favorite series – and with each book, it just keeps getting better! I know she has more in store for us and will continue to surprise along the way. 🙂

Her latest project, Dawn’s Keeper, is soon to be published (June 15, 2015) and KHBR has been given an ARC. You can check out our review – simply click here. It was reviewed by me too! I absolutely loved it which is pretty obvious with my review. I basically did nothing but gush in that review! 😉 I bet other PNR fans would love it as well!

In anticipation of Dawn’s Keeper upcoming release, we sit down with Veronica and talk a bit about herself, her writing, and her other projects.

When and why did you begin writing?
I first began writing when I was about 9 years old, but it was mainly in my journal. I kept up with that until I was in my late 20s. I tried my hand at a few short stories in my late teens and even took a correspondence course to hone my craft. *laughs* Yeah, I was pretty terrible at it. I had no idea what I was doing.

Not sure why I started writing. I think I wanted to have a piece of me left behind, for others to read it and think of me. As a child, I had some pretty morbid thoughts.

What inspired you to write your first book?
My husband, actually. I was complaining to him about a book that I thought was simply terrible and yet so many people loved it. He looked at me and said, “If you can do better, then why don’t you write a book?” It was his polite way of telling me to put up or shut up. After that, I was determined to finally write a book. I had the idea of a magic filled world and a woman who was different than the rest, but not the special snowflake kind. 😉

What books have most influenced your life most?
Actual titles, I couldn’t tell you, but romance novels have been in my life since I was around 8 years old. Even then I was a voracious reader. I’d get into my mom’s collection, which neared 500 or so Harlequin romances novels. I was hooked. Now keep in mind, these books were written in the 60s and 70s, so no explicate sex. Instead I learned about relationships, love, and respect. The explicit sex wasn’t until much later. *laughs*

If you had to choose, which writer would you consider a mentor?
Hmm, tough question. I’m honestly not sure. I haven’t actually followed a writer for their hints and tips, although there are a few authors who’s work I enjoy. If I had to choose, I’d say Ilona Andrews. I love their books, characters, and interactions with their fans.

Can you share a little of your current work with us?
I’m working on the 4th book of my Enforcers and Coterie series. This one will be about Victor, a Mage Enforcer, who has appeared since the very beginning. He even showed up in the prequel novella. Poor guy is hunting a human turned demon, but isn’t having any luck. For the Karl fans out there, Karl will appear in this novel.

Tell us your latest news.
On June 15th, the 3rd novel, Dawn’s Keeper, will be released. It’s on pre-order right now through Amazon. I’m very excited about this book, and already I’ve gotten a few 5 star reviews. This book is about Dawn, Julia’s vampire friend, and Eliijah.

Woohoo! Congratulations on the impending release of Dawn’s Keeper! 🙂 I hope the readers of this blog will take a chance on it. Trust me, there is sooo much to look forward to in Dawn’s Keeper. It’s unlike the previous book in the series. So far, it’s my favorite. I’ve been wowed by Sylvia’s Torment but I apparently I have yet to be fully wowed until I got to read Dawn’s Keeper. You can pre-order Dawn’s Keeper on Amazon by simply clicking here. After Dawn’s Keeper, she also has an upcoming novella which is titled Assassinated Love and it’s due in August! It is also included in her celebrated Enforcers and Coteries series. 🙂

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R.C. Matthews

Hello everyone! Welcome back to KH Book Reviews! We are excited to announce our Featured Author today, indie contemporary romance writer R.C. Matthews! 🙂

We met her via Goodreads – Read Romance, Write Romance. She is one of our most active members there and she’s been not only very helpful, but also very supportive of her fellow members who are writers/authors too! She has 5 books out – all of which you can purchase through Amazon for your beloved Kindles. She writes mainly contemporary romance. Between those 5 books, the sensual levels varies from 1-4 flames! 😉

Her most recent release is A Night to Remember. Our own Veronica Del Rosa who is VERY picky when it comes to contemporary romance (or anything that does not have the paranormal nature), LOVED IT! Unlike her enjoyable Wish Come True series, this New Year’s Eve romance novel also features some yummy sex scenes! R.C. takes the time to sit down with us to tell us more about herself and her work!

When and why did you begin writing?
If you don’t count the books and poetry that I wrote in elementary school, then I seriously began writing in 2012. I’ve always enjoyed writing of all types – essays in college, whitepapers for business, poetry. You name it, I like it. And I have always loved reading from a very young age. I like to challenge myself so I decided I wanted to try my hand at writing a book. The statistics are fascinating about how many people attempt to write a novel but don’t finish.

What inspired you to write your first book?
I fell in love with romance novels during my college years and after going on a cruise for my graduation gift, I wanted to write a romance novel that was on a cruise ship because I’d never read a romance with that setting as a backdrop. I started my first novel in 1998 while living in Germany but life was too hectic with getting married and having children. So when I found my notes and first three chapters stuffed in a box in my basement in 2012, I dusted them off and started writing. Almost one year later, the end result was Little White Lies.

What books have most influenced your life most?
I’m not sure that books influence my life per se. I can’t think of a book that made me change the way I think or act, except maybe Suze Orman. I’ve taken all of her financial advice to women. I’m confident she would give me high marks for my personal financial planning (LOL). But I love books from all genres. All I ask of of book is that it take me far away from my daily life and let me escape. That being said, Till Dawn Tames the Night by Meagan McKinney was probably the historical romance novel that really made me want to try my hand at writing. In addition, I’m a HUGE Jane Austen fan and read Pride and Prejudice over and over and over again without getting bored. I love Jane Austen’s wit and I try to inject humor into all of my stories.

If you had to choose, which writer would you consider a mentor?
I guess I would pick Jane Austen. Her writing style is very easy and witty and her stories mainly center around the family. My Wish Come True series is centered around a family and is full of humor.

Can you share a little of your current work with us?
I’m currently writing a three book teen fantasy series called Destiny is an Adventure. My thirteen year old son begged me to write it for him when he learned that I wrote a romance novel. He has been reading each chapter as I complete it and says he loves it so far. So I guess we’ll see how it goes. My pen name for that series is David N. Sebastian.

Tell us your latest news.
I have a new erotic romance coming out in June 2015 with Loose Id. The working title is “Make Me Whole” but I’m not sure if I get to keep that title yet. I just completed the presubmission checklist edits and sent it off to my editor. Squeeee! I can’t wait. This book is VERY different than my other books. It is full of conflict and angst. If you’ve read my other books, then you’ll know that my stories are usually whimsical and humorous – feel good books. Make Me Whole is not a feel good book – it’s a heart-wrenching story that will have you in tears. Remember earlier when I said I like to challenge myself? Yep. That’s why I wrote Make Me Whole. I wanted to see if I could write an erotic romance novel full of angst and conflict. Mission accomplished.

Congratulations on your tie up with Loose Id for your upcoming novel, R.C.! We are very excited for you! 🙂

Some of our own Kat’s favorite titles are with Loose Id. We all love more than just a little steam in our romance sometimes – which Loose Id is known for – and so we are looking forward to reading the pending release of Make Me Whole! Do y’all wanna hear a secret? Make Me Whole is just no ordinary erotic romance – it’s a Menage a Trois Romance. YES, you read that right! It’s a big risk for R.C. considering she usually writes feel good books.

R.C. is one of the most engaging characters we had the pleasure to know! Kat first met her through Goodreads when she announced that Date Night is on a freebie promo period. That was back in May 2014 (when it was newly published), she gave it a try and ended up not being able to finish it because it turned out to be ‘not her cup of tea’. Less than a year later, she decided to give it a try again and funnily enough, she ended up loving it! Don’t pass up a chance to get to know her, as well! And don’t forget to check out her books!


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Heather R. Blair

We’re happy to announce that we have a new page added to the blog – Featured Authors! Our very first featured author is Heather R. Blair, a self-publishing paranormal romance author, and someone who I personally recommend for all paranormal and urban fantasy lovers out there!

She has 5 books out – all of which you can purchase through Amazon for your beloved Kindles.

Her latest release is Phoenix Fallen – the second installment of her Phoenix Inc. series. I’ve always loved a good vampire story, but this one is not just a good vampire story, but rather a terrific and dynamic story of two vampires who struggle with their inner demons and outside impediments in order to get what they want–each other. Our contributor, Veronica Del Rosa, a lover of fantasy gave it 5 stars!

We sent out a few questions to this lovely lady – she is indeed a lovely lady and everyone here in KHBR chat with her on a regular basis about writing, what books to read next, Sherlock, Doctor Who, and all other geeky things. We had fun getting to know this individual who is very passionate about all things Irish, you would know that if you have read her Celtic Elementals series (which we all look forward to reading the next in the series!)

When and why did you begin writing?
Oh my, I can’t remember when I started writing any more than I can remember when I started reading. It just seems like I was born doing it, honestly. But I do remember writing my first complete chapter book in the first grade. It was about a horse in the Old West. Most of my stories back then were about horses and cowboys. Two things I still can’t get enough of today!

What inspired you to write your first book? 
Well, the first book I released as an indie author was Shivers, a collection of short stories that I wrote as part of a wonderful blog group I have belonged to for years. Just lots of fun, creepy, sexy stories inspired by all kinds of things; from bits of art, music, myths and the inside of my own demented little head!

My first full-length book release was Smoke in Moonlight. I’d been playing with the idea of a series featuring Celtic gods for years. I’m absolutely obsessed with Ireland and her stories, culture and history. Plus, the Irish werewolf folklore is so intriguing. Faoladh (werewolves) in Irish myth aren’t considered evil; in fact they are looked on more as protectors of family and home. I loved showing that aspect in my book. When Ronan Fitzpatrick leaped into my head one night, I was pretty much lost in the story of that big sexy werewolf, his curse and the woman who changes it all.

What books have most influenced your life most?
Oh good grief, there are so many! Let’s go with the tip of the iceberg:

Fantasy and sci-fi made a definitive impact, for sure. The Amber books by Roger Zelazny, The Wizard of Earthsea Cycle by Ursula K. Le Guin, The Chronicles of Narnia and Lord of the Rings, of course. The Dark Is Rising series by Susan Cooper. Then my first loves, horses and Westerns, so pretty much everything Louis L’amour and Zane Grey and Walter Farley ever wrote.

Celtic-themed fantasy, too, like The Red Branch by Morgan Llewellyn. The Pendragon Cycle by Stephen R. Lawhead. Classics, the biggest ones probably being Ivanhoe by Sir Walter Scott and the Idylls of the King by Lord Alfred Tennyson.

Everything Nora Roberts has written. And Stephen King. And Dean Koontz. Eric Van Lustbader. And oh, fantasy writer, Robin McKinley, particularly her incredible two-book series, The Blue Sword and The Hero & The Crown.

The Bride by Julie Garwood, my first ever romance and still one of my absolute favorite historicals of all time.

More recently, the kickass UF books by Pippa Da Costa, her Veil series, and also new-to-me authors, Tessa Bailey and Jae Jaggert.

IMHO—reading, and reading widely, is the best way to improve your craft.

If you had to choose, which writer would you consider a mentor?
I have to go with three here—and I consider that a sign of considerable restraint on my part!

Barbara Kingsolver, whose books could also be added to the list above, is a huge influence on me. The way she uses language is stunning and unique. Reading her books is like being caught in a spell and I try very hard to emulate that.

Shakespeare, whom I started reading at nine years old to help my babysitter practice lines for her high school production of Macbeth. I love his characters so much, particularly the witty ones like Benedick and Beatrice, Kate and Ariel, Puck, etc. When my MCs banter, it is often Benedick and Beatrice who I am aiming for, just with a modern twist.

Finally, Stephen King, if for no other reason than he wrote On Writing, which I think is the best book on the craft ever written. In pure useful knowledge and inspiration, nothing else comes close. I have read it cover to cover more times than I can count and often pick it up just to read a few lines and get my energy back. He is a writing guru.

Also, I have to say the Goodreads group, Read Romance, Write Romance is full of writers who inspire and motivate me every day! Particularly my fabulous writing buddy, Veronica del Rosa, author of the Enforcers & Coterie series. I don’t know what I do without that circle of support! So I went over way over three, damn it, but they ALL count. The more mentors, the better! 🙂

Can you share a little of your current work with us?
I am currently working on two very different novels. The explosive third book in my urban fantasy series, Phoenix Inc., titled Phoenix Broken is waa–aaay too loaded with potential spoilers to do much more than hint at, lol.  I can say you’re going to meet more of the psychically-gifted paras that work at Phoenix Inc., along with a few more shades; including a red-headed werewolf I am very fond of, and you’ll find out more about the inner workings of the sadistic Iron Hand Society. Of course, the real burning question is who gets to kill Daimen Cross, right? Or does he die at all? You’ll have to wait and see, but if you’re really curious for a taste of what’s coming there is an excerpt at the end of Book #2, Phoenix Fallen. 🙂

Wow, Heather, you tease! So much exciting things to look forward to from you. I know I’m speaking for all of us here when I say, writer faster please?!

The other current work in progress is a new direction for me, contemporary romantic suspense. It is about a sexy Australian art thief, Jake Prentiss. He falls through a window one snowy night in Saint Paul and into the life of Charlotte Gracen, a reclusive young painter. Before she knows it, Charlie is caught up in his dangerous world… and caught up in the storm that is Jake himself.

He looked at her. That look. Those eyes. Charlie shifted uncomfortably.

“Quit it, Jake.”

“Quit what?”

“Looking at me like that.”

He smiled. That slow, devastating smile that did …’things’ to her. All sorts of things she had no business thinking about—not with him. Then he took a step toward her and Charlie’s stomach took a dive for the elevator floor.

“I am sure I don’t know what you mean.”

She put her hand on her hip and glared.

“Liar.” She meant to spit it at him, but it came out as a croak. Like a frog. Oh god, even when she was trying to insult him, she came off like an idiot. Ribbit, ribbit.

“Charlie.” His hand covered hers, pressing her back as he took another step. His fingertips brushed her hipbone through the delicate fabric and she could swear they were scorching.

“Jake.” Not a frog sound this time, but breathy, pleading. For what she wasn’t sure. For him to stop. Yes.


His grip on her tightened. “Jesus, Charlie. You can’t say my name like that and get away without paying the price.” His eyes had gone dark, that deep, boiling blue of thunderstorm just before the first lightning strike. Charlie could almost swear she smelled the scent of ozone in the air.

“Price?” She breathed, as Jake flattened her up the elevator wall. He reached for her other hand, lacing his fingers in hers before he lifted it over her head, pinning her back. His chest was solid and warm and she could feel the thud of his heartbeat against her.

Jake nodded solemnly, his gaze dropping to her mouth. His tongue flicked out and Charlie suppressed a whimper with difficulty.

“A kiss. One kiss, Charlie. That’s the price.”

Ooh. Is it just me or is it getting hot in HERE? 😉 Why don’t you tell us your latest news?
Well, the most exciting thing at present is I AM GOING TO IRELAND!

Yup, the 2nd week of April I am flying to Shannon. This is something I have been wanting to do my WHOLE life and I am beyond excited!

I will be in the west for most of my trip; checking out sites from my Celtic Elementals series and doing research for the third book in the series, Lightning in Sea, which will be out later this year. I’ll be spending time in Galway, Donegal, Londonderry and Dublin.


I’m also going to spend a day on the Isle of Mann, because that is where the final book will mainly be taking place. Manannán mac Lir, the Celtic/Welsh god of the sea features prominently, along with other Celtic deities and many old friends from the rest of the series including ancient Celt warrior and vampire Aidan O’Neill, the whole Fitzpatrick claim and of course, Bav, the goddess of death that we all love to hate. I can’t wait to visit their ‘stomping grounds’, so to speak. 🙂 Before I come home, I’m going to pop over to London for a couple days. I’m a huge Doctor Who and Sherlock fan, and just an anglophile in general. If I happen to catch a glimpse of Martin Freeman, you all may never see me again!

Heather, have a blast on your trip and of course, take care! Thanks for taking the time to chat with us here on Kaleidoscope Heart Reviews and for the being the VERY FIRST featured author. We so look forward to reading more of your work! 🙂 Heather is one of the most fabulous people I know. I met her through Goodreads when she offered her first book, Smoke In Moonlight, for a read to review program. She ended up being one of my favorite indie authors. So don’t pass up a chance to get to know her, as well!

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